Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I am still on this earth ;-)  Just super busy right now.  I had my first day of induction today and have another full day of it tomorrow, my eyes are popping out of my head!
So i'm just touching base and letting you all know i'm well.

I'm so looking forward to Friday morning, I have my first PT session booked in!  I now have three lovely ladies as my clients :-)

It's 9pm and i'm so tired so i'm off to bed now.  I will visit blogs later in the week as I am missing you guys already!

Deb xxx


RaeC said...

And we miss you too babe xxx

Doris's BEHAG journey said...

Hey Goodlife PT, welcome to the Goodlife family. Will come down one day and hassle you.

RAWCUS said...

Congats on the new job Dew and all very very best with it!!

Ali xxx