Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Some Changes For Moi

Today's session with Michael was nothing short of a killer, he smashed my shoulders big time, I love these sessions with him as he knows what i'm capable of better then what I do.

I'm in week 7 of strength training so that leaves me with next week and then after a discussion today we are going to make changes!
I have a formal function to attend on the 10th Oct so I asked Michael if it was okay to cut down a little for this function and to see how i'm looking, he agreed. It will only be a small cut back, nothing major but I dare say the change in training will be a killer to start with, I won't know for a couple of weeks he never tells me until we are ready to start.

I have recently bought a Trelise Cooper dress for the evening and I don't really want to look bulky in it so I am happy to cut down just a touch to look more defined or less bulky!

I'm currently in the middle of an assignment for cert IV and through my studies I have decided on an area I would like to move into when i become a qualified PT. I even managed to worm my way into a government organized training session tomorrow in relation to the direction I am looking at taking. I can't say to much right now as it is in it's infancy but as soon as I know if this is definitely the avenue I "can" take then I will spread the news :-) So i'm looking forward to tomorrow as it is the first step in a new direction.

Speaking of new directions, why does that scare me???? I get excited and afraid all at the same time. I really need to find my inner confidence and really embrace the things I want to do so that I don't let it slip through my fingers and have regrets later.
Just knowing that by the end of this year I am going to be in such a different place with the change of career and working at Goodlife as well as this new area I hadn't even considered before is very exciting and I hope this big step i'm taking is the right one :-)

Better get my head back in the books I guess but before I go I wanted to say how proud I am of my little guy, he plays in a strings band (violin) and was performing at the eisteddfod and they came first! He was so excited and I am so proud of him, I just love to watch him play he is so handsome.


Anonymous said...

Because change is going into the unknown Deb. Just remember, these feelings and emotions are okay as long as you recognise them and don't let them take over your life.

I can't wait to hear all about your new possibilities, you sound very excited about it.

Speaking of studies I've pulled my book out to do some today, thanks for the reminder.

Oh by the way, you're looking fabulous and I don't just mean your girls. ;o)

Lia ;o) xxx

Splice said...

Well thanks for completely making my day with that comment!!! I fee pretty happy with where i'm at right now or maybe it's because i'm too focused on other things to worry about how I look lol.

I will take your advice on not letting those scarey feeling take over me, I need to understand these feeling are normal.

I'm so happy you are getting back into the book too!!

Hugs Miss Lia :-)

Sam D-M said...

Yay for your boy!! I love watching the Rock Estedford :)

DOnt ya love dressing up at formal occasions?? You will have to post some pics of your new dress :)


Splice said...

Hi Sam!
Nice to hear from you honey :-)
I will post pictures for sure but you have to wait util Oct!
Deb xox

Anonymous said...

keep us posted Deb! Speaking with you the other night really lifted my spirits! love you x

Splice said...

Hey Fernster, it lifted my spirits talking to you too!!

Anonymous said...

How's your week been? Would love an update. *hint hint* Subtle aren't I Deb. LOL!! ;o) xxx

Splice said...

You must have posted your comment whilst I was writing my update LOL

Anonymous said...

Great minds think alike. ;o) xxx