I saw JD this morning and am so happy to say the results were great, much better then I expected.
Since starting with him 6 weeks ago my scale weight has dropped 1.5kgs and my skin folds have dropped a staggering 28.5mls!!!
This has been such an easy drop, easy in the sense that I have not been hungry, I have not craved foods, I have not done excessive cardio etc. I am even maintaining/preserving/building muscle.
It's very different to what i'm used too, all my life when I would want to lose weight I would go on a diet, this would mean starving my poor body, so I always associated hunger with weight loss. If i'm feeling hungry I am losing weight - this is the message my brain was trained to think and for so many years, I couldn't just undo that over night!
So now I eat, and i'm satisfied, so I don't think that i'm losing weight. Days and weeks go by and I don't notice the body fat melting away due to the lack of that hunger=weight loss feeling, so I go for my appointment and get shocked with the results but i am slowly catching on.
My previous skin folds showed a good drop around my abdominal area, today it was in my legs, funny how it works. I think with my back injury my leg session has changed from heavy low reps, to light high reps, this may have had something to do with the drop in the quad area.
I still have a fair way to go and that's okay because i'm walking in the right direction, what more could I ask for?? Nothing :-)