Did anyone see A Current Affair last night? If you didn't there was a story on a lady in the UK, see was placed on a water detox diet - the long and short of it is she consumed what they consider a high amount of water and reduced her salt intake and within 1 week she ended up with brain damage.
She was drinking 3.5 liters per day, most of us drink more then that right?
She cut out salt, sound familiar fellow competitors?
So they are saying that with all the water consumption and the reduced salt her brain swelled up and caused a seizer.
I feel terribly sorry for her to be suffering brain injury just because she wanted to lose some weight, seems very unfortunate and sad. But I have to say I believe she really is an "extreme" case.
When this story started my initial reaction was to freak out because I know that prior to comp I was drinking up to 7-8 liters of water per day and I removed salt completely from my diet. But then I thought about the fact that I had done it 5 times for each comp and I know so many other competitors have aswell and I have never heard of anyone getting brain damage from it!
Now the sad part is is that everyone watching will cut back on their water intake not realizing that most of the average Australian's already live in a state of dehydration and don't even know it!
I think the story really shouldn't have come across as it can happen to anyone at anytime, like a scare tactic, they should research more into it to see how extreme her case might be.
Hear hear Deb.
I am not a fan of ACA and TT, I think they are current affair programs that sensationalise! What the truth is and what they actually put to air is rubbish. I truly believe that the woman has another issue with her health and definately was not the water and salt. I have drunk up to 5.5ltrs in one day and taken no salt - depending on the natural salt in foods of course.
I agree totally Deb, I think she was a rare case, and possibly all the facts werent told. I hate watching current affairs shows because they just get me so frustrated!!
Back to my glass of water... oh that will make it 4 ltrs for today and the days not over! ;)
I was going to say exactly the same thing as Doris. I was almost yelling at the tv when I saw this! Have to remind myself not to watch these programs- they are depressing! Afterward I always feel like I am being ripped off by supermarkets etc LOL
Sigh, we will no doubt have people telling us more about how we are drinking TOO much water and its dangerous (while they drink Coke) :S
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