Monday, September 22, 2008

QLD - ANB Competition this weekend

This weekend the ANB Comp is on and I am looking forward to another day of being around awesome athlete's and watching them show off there incredible bods on stage.
This is my first time attending an ANB show so i'm really looking forward to it. I will be there in the morning and the evening show, you will find me at my sponsor's table "International Protein" so please make sure you come over and try it, everyone and anyone is welcome :-)

International Protein as just released it's new line - check it out!

Good luck to all the competitor's competing on the day and I can't wait to cheer you on.

Deb xxx


Doris's BEHAG journey said...

c u there Deb


Splice said...

I look forward to meeting you!

RaeC said...

Happy Birthday Babe-a-licious!! xxx

Splice said...

Thanks Rae!!!
Deb xxx