Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's All In Your Head - Natural Process

Below is a post I blogged about in August 2006 when I was about 6-8 weeks out from my first comp. I just read it now because I decided to take a trip down memory lane and as I read it I thought about how much I still believe it. I actually wanted Steph to read it since she is moving into her first comp too :-)

August 23rd 2006
I have been learning so much through my journey to becoming a competitive figure bodybuilder. One of the most important things that comes to my mind when I think about the whole experience so far are "mind games".

But I think that there is a reason for this. I was just commenting in Liz's blog about how one day we are happy with weight training but then we stress big time about posing. The next thing you know you are unhappy with weight training and your stressing about not making it in time for the comp, but posing is great! This just goes on and on all the time. It stops and changes then reverses, then goes back to it again and ahhhhhh.
Today after coming out from that dreaded black cloud that us poor girls go through once a month, I think I realize why this happens. It's a natural process that actually helps us to stay on our toes. My thoughts are this, if we went through this entire comp without any doubts or worries, what would then make us push harder to overcome that fear? You would just keep moving along without any concerns, so the result of that would be, "it's all cool I don't need to push myself because I have no challenges".
You go through with doubt/fears/concerns (call it what you will) and this will encourage you to push through, motivate you to do that extra rep on the bench press because one of your concerns is your chest isn't big enough. Or you will do extra posing practise because you think you haven't got it right etc, etc.
So I just realized that my fears are actually my friend, those fears are what is pushing me to becoming the best I can ever be. Without them I would not push this hard, I wouldn't feel the need too.
Stress can be used as a positive but you have to stay on top of it. Dont' let it consume you, thats when it becomes a problem.
Have a great day everyone!


Stephanie Davis said...

Hehe, what a nice surprise here for me
I know we are going to help eachother in defusing these mindgames and accepting them as a normal part of the process. We also have a great coach who is going to keep pushing us no matter how successful we are :)

Magda said...

Great post. Thanks Deb



LizN said...

Debs, it just feels like the other day doesn't it :)

We've both learned so much since then :0
See you Saturday :)